Sony will publish games on Nintendo Switch and PC?

Sony will be another publisher that supports Nintendo Switch, PC and maybe even other consoles. But there’s a twist, so don’t get your hopes up! They won’t give us such exclusives as Uncharted. Here’s why! Sony Music Entertainment (a subsidiary of Sony) is launching a separate publishing label called Unties. Unties will release multi-platform games on PC, Switch and maybe even other platforms in the future, such as XBOX ONE.

Untie publishes Tiny Metal game

Sonic Music states the reasons of the new Unties label: “to unearth high-quality [indie] titles … and utilize SME’s vast entertainment business wisdom in order to expose them to as many consumers as possible“. They further added that they intend to “free creators from the myriad ties that bind them when it comes to publishing their games” and “make free, limitless publishing a reality.


The information about their first new game, titled Tiny Metal, is already available. The game will be launching in Autumn for Nintendo Switch console, PC and, obviously, Playstation 4.

Besides this game, they’re having 3 additional games in the works. One of them is being made exclusively for Playstation 4 and the other two are listed as “PC / TBA“, which may hint that they are coming to other platforms as well.

Maybe this new label is a sneaky way to find a way to support their own platform. But we will see as time goes on. Nevertheless, it’s a very interesting move from Sony.

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