Big Geekified 2017 Summary. Part 3/5: Video Games

Let’s get into another part of our 2017 summary. This time we’ll talk about our favourite video games. Ready?


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Nintendo is very good at keeping their fanbase constantly waiting for titles such as Metroid, Legend of Zelda is another one they kept pushing back. Breath of the Wild was a much needed title for Nintendo, especially for their recently released Nintendo Switch – a hybrid of handheld and home console. The game was a huge success for Nintendo and the Legend of Zelda franchise.


A spiritual successor of Banjo-Kazooie. Many old Rare employees branched out to create their own game they have been wanting to create for the Banjo-Kazooie franchise. Instead of a Bear and a Bird, we get to play as a Chamaleon and a Bat. Definitely not a combo anyone could have predicted.


It’s a classic sidescrolling Shoot-Em-Up style game with a 30’s-40’s visual and audio aesthetic. The art has the charm of hand drawn animation with the polish of computer art. The music is something I can’t even get enough of. Like many Shoot-Em-Up games, it’s a challenge to get through.

Resident Evil 7

A true horror game that will leave you scrambling for resources even on the easiest difficulty. It’s a surprise someone even decided to beat the game on the highest difficulty with only a knife.


2017 was a good year for games, with some big titles hitting both PCs and consoles.

Horizon: Zero Dawn

Strong female protagonist; original, futuristic world, intriguing plot and diversified gameplay. It’s all I need in a video game. “Horizon: Zero Dawn” grants it all and keeps surprising you with innovative ideas along the way. Just as I like.

Persona 5

The fifth entry in a successful crossover between school life simulator and jRPG takes you to Tokyo and offers an adventure like no other. Your task is to enter the minds of evil people and make them reveal the truth about themselves. All that while literally fighting their inner monsters. Sound good? Plays even better.


“Rime” is another one of those “Team ICO-ish productions”, featuring a vast, beautiful world, puzzles and a sweet companion. It does not expand upon the formula in any substantial way, but with beautiful cel-shading graphics and a moving storyline, it’s a game you wouldn’t want to miss.

Little Nightmares

What will you get when you cross a creepy survival horror and a platformer. The answer would most probably be “Little Nightmares”. Set in a depressing world and full of clever platforming mechanics, the game scares you but also makes you think.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm

You would most probably suspect that an episodic prequel to the acclaimed episodic game would be just a run for cash. But well,  “Life is Strange: Before the Storm” proves it isn’t. Engaging and moving, it enriches the “Life is Strange” universe with new, interesting themes and motives. And all that while giving you a coming of age story you will never forget.


Sonic Mania

Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (1991) was my favourite game when I was a kid. Sonic Mania feeds this nostalgia and in the best way possible! It contains the same physics and graphics as the games in the 90s and also incorporates modern game-play elements, balancing everything masterfully.

Sonic Forces

Oh boy, what a disappointment it was. And it really had a potential to be a great game. This game had an amazing graphics and visuals but the game-play was dull. The way the game levels were designed were, for the most part, not fun to play. Controls were wonky and felt unnatural. The overall acceleration of the characters feels weird and unnatural. Especially for classic Sonic.

Resident Evil 7

It was my first proper horror game and I loved it. The story is great, the atmosphere is intimate and horrible (it’s a good thing). And the family that’s trying to kill never lets you catch a breath.


Technically, this game was not created in 2017, but in 2017 it got a major upgrade and got into Steam platform. If you like adventure, puzzle games, then you’ll definitely love this one! For a small game that costs merely a 9.99$, it packs a lot of heart and the story to be told. And wall breaking moments. And remember, you have only one shot!

Other non-2017 games that I loved playing but were not made in 2017: SOMA, Limbo.


As usual, we are very curious about your opinion – what 2017 games did you like the most? Don’t be shy and head out to our comment section below or to our Facebook or Twitter!

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