E3 2018: EA Press Conference

E3 2018 is here and the EA was the first company having their Press Conference – the pressure was on. It’s no secret that many games that EA has Published are adored. The pressure was definitely on as they were having their Press Conference on the first day of E3. All of the games they announce will be listed below, along with the video of the entire Press Conference.  And starting off, they show off a small 3D video of Anthem in which a monster and a hunter seem to pop out of the screen. Certainly, a great way to make an entrance.

Day 1 – EA Press Conference Game Roundup

If you are interested in watching the entire video, I’ll be posting it here. Though, I will also be posting timestamps if you want to simply skip to the desired part/trailer. Just make sure that you open up the timestamps on another tab so you don’t lose your place in the article.

Battlefield V

Battlefield V was a solid choice as their first game. It has been a solid IP, and it’s the new Anthem – so there’s suspense to the what’s coming ahead. Based on World War 2. They boast about being able to jump through windows, destroy objects, and even move gun placements. They have improved the destruction mechanic. Being able to allow a lot of customization between your playable character and the vehicles. The stories in the game are to share emotional moments of soldiers and what they go through in war through the character’s eyes. Pretty interesting, and they even hint to more information about that in the Upcoming Microsoft Press Conference. They claim no Premium Passes, no Loot Boxes, and even revealed a Royal Gametype. It’s no surprise since the Royal Gametype has been immensely popular. So it’s only senseful that the market will be flooded with these game types (make it stop). Though, they claim a unique experience with Battlefield.  The BattleField V segment starts at around 2:30.


The most popular sport from all over the world. FIFA 19, with no surprise, will be coming out on September 28th, 2018. They give some FIFA 18 news, which includes a free update for the World Cup, as well as a Free Trial for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. You can watch this at 8:13.


Andrew Wilson (CEO)

It starts at 15:13. “The greatest disruption to the consumption of entertainment media in the last 5 years is the combination of streaming plus subscription.” As Subscription Services become more and more popular, EA plans on expanding, as well. The goal is to “playing games anywhere, anytime”. It sounds great. For EA, it is a way to control piracy. Origin Access Premiere. Origin Access Premiere will have EA games, as well as others. So that sounds great and all, but what about the Consumer? Xbox Play Anywhere is an incredible benefit for players, so I can see why EA would want to expand on this.

The segment the CEO of EA, Andrew Wilson speaks is at 54:57. At E3, Andrew Wilson promises to continue to listen to customers to give the player what they want.

Jedi Fallen Order

It gets mentioned that Jedi Fallen Order is set to release Holiday of 2019. It’s taking place between Episode 3 and Episode 4. Jedi are being hunted. Thanks, Anakin. It starts at 19:09.

Battlefront 2

Battlefront 2 news at 21:44! They are supporting the game and adding new features. This is exciting for the many Battlefront 2 fans. Hunt Mode will be a new game type that is inspired by the original Battlefront. They are adding content based on the Han Solo film next week; new planet and the Extraction mode will be added. In the Summer, there will be a new Squad system which promises an easier time to team up with your friends. A new Starfighter mode that will bring Dog Fights with your Hero ships. Sandbox Multiplayer experience is planned to be added. You will Capture points and attack Capital Ships. They will be adding content based on the Clone Wars!

Unravel Two

There is something special about large Developers also allocating resources to smaller games. They take more risks, it seems, and they are often beautiful games we cherish. Such as Ubisoft’s Child of Light. In Unravel Two, it’s a story of two characters. Whether you play Co-Op with a friend or alone, you will always have two characters “sharing one yarn”. “It’s a game about fresh starts and second chances.” Both the Gaming Industry and Gaming Community need games like these to give exposure to smaller developers and tell stories that can connect with people. Unravel Two is available right now! Unravel Two news starts at 25:43.

Sea of Solitude

Sea of Solitude is another game from a small developer starting out at 35:20. “When humans get lonely they turn into monsters”. Alright, now that hits home. Storywise, they are trying to show how different people experience loneliness, as well as those around their lives that it affects. The Main Character is about a female’s loneliness turns her into a monster, and as the player, we have to find a way to turn her back and find out why she turned into a monster. It is set to release Early 2019!


They show off a small trailer for NBA Live 19 and never talk about it, again. If you’re interested, it starts at 40:27. Very small trailer and it quickly transitions to Madden 19 news.

Madden 19

The Madden 19 segment starts with Competitive Gaming and the Madden NFL 18 Champion. Very little is said about the game. The segment is at 41:42.

Command & Conquer Rivals

It’s a… oh boy. It’s a simplified RTS game for mobile devices. It starts at 46:24.  They have two players from the Competitive gaming scene. The Pre-Alpha is available now for Android users. It promises to deliver quick RTS gameplay that is competitive. If you want to skip to the trailer, it’s at 53:51.


They definitely saved their biggest game for last. Starting at around 57:52. Anthem was already revealed before E3. This time they show us an entire trailer. The rest of the video is pretty much all Anthem. You hunt monsters in what seems to be Iron Man suits. Seriously. That looks super cool. It’s going to be hard to stay away from Anthem, even people that absolutely despise EA. The new game by the Developer BioWare. After the trailer, members of the BioWare Development Team show up to answer questions starting at 1:00:24. There is a lot of information that about Anthem. Seriously. The game looks enormous. Your friends will be able to join as you will be able to join them freely. Like BioWare games, Storytelling is an important part in their games. The weather you see will be the weather your friends will see. This is exciting. Because while you’re away from the game, the weather could change and a mutated creature can come out. So you can come into the game with a new experience.

The suits of armor you use to fly are called Javelins. There are four, each with their unique abilities. Your character is a Freelancer, and you will be able to change your suit whenever you want. Your Javelins will be able to not only fly but also go under water. We can expect underwater fights! They show Gameplay of Anthem starting at 1:13:02. The Launch Date is set to Feb. 22nd of 2019. Anthem will be available for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Wrap Up

EA showed off some of their biggest titles, while they talked very little about their Sports titles. They definitely have plans in expanding into smaller games like Unravel 2 and Sea of Solitude. Their biggest player is definitely Anthem. In some parts, they had very little to talk about. It seemed unprepared. However, they are looking into supporting their games like Battlefront 2, and we have Anthem to look forward to. New IPs are always exciting and should always be welcomed as long as it’s deserving of it – and Anthem definitely looks like it will be a solid game.

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