is turning 6 months old!


The past

6 months. That long ago, our website surfaced on the World Wide Web.

Time sure flies. Since the opening, our idea has been to bring news to people interested in the Geek culture world.

April 8th, 2016 – that was exactly the day when came to be! Back on a cold winter day, Daniel had an idea to create a website. Being an avid WEB developer but not so good at writing, he needed people who would like to join this new project. Due to very favourable and completely unexpected circumstances, Dan found three amazing people who agreed to join the new website. That’s how Claire, Chris, Manuel and Daniel all joined forces to create a new and exciting project. Dan had already known them all as friends on Facebook.


All of us are from different countries: United Kingdom, USA, Poland and Lithuania. And none of us had known each other before. So we also connected with each other during common talks about – its past, present and future. On August, we had an honour to welcome the 5th member, Marlene, a columnist, Animation Examiner, working for the company that is connected with a certain blue hedgehog.

The present

For 6 months we have managed to develop quite fast. On April 8th,we launched the website with simple blogish type of design. After just a few months, on July 24th, the website was updated with more modern and fancy look. And last month, we even launched a YouTube channel. So far we have only one original video but we plan to expand the channel.

Also, even though our slogan is “Your daily dose of GEEK culture” you might have noticed that news don’t come in daily. Well, that’s a problem we’re fighting with. Regular jobs take a lot of time and sometimes you can see even up to 10 days worth of gaps. That’s a lot, but our aim is to bring quality content, so we will rather spent more time, than rush everything.

The future

Though we plan do to more stuff on YouTube, the website will always be the target of further development.  In future, once we have a higher rate of visitors, we plan to release Android and (maybe) iPhone apps. Also, we plan to open a forum, once we will feel like we’re ready to take this step. Maybe even a separate photo gallery to collect the best pictures from all the geeky events around the world. Moreover, we plan to make our website more personalized, where you could log in, mark your favourite categories and save them for later reading. And there are more plans and ideas, which we won’t reveal for now. We got to keep some secrets. The main thing that is stopping us a little bit is the usual one: lack of time. But we feel positive about finding some more of it (we just have to contact Hermione Granger about a certain object) to improve ourselves.  We are also always looking for new people who would like to join our website to spread the GEEK. stats

Some geeks might love statistics, so let’s take a look at our website from the statistical point of view. All stats involve information collected during last six months:

Facebook fans: 182
Twitter fans: 26
Youtube subscribers: 8 (not too bad for having only 1 video so far)
Google+: 1 follower (wow..)

Top 10 most popular countries:

  1. USA
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Poland
  4. Lithuania
  5. Canada
  6. Ireland
  7. Spain
  8. Brazil
  9. Italy
  10. Mexico

Devices used:

  1. Desktop (60%)
  2. Mobile (35.4%)
  3. Tablet (4.8%)

Browsers used:

  1. Chrome (58,7%)
  2. Safari (17,7)
  3. Firefox (15,3%)
  4. Internet Explorer (2,3%)
  5. etc.

Adblock users:

~30% of our users use AdBlock Plus. *sad face*

Top 5 most popular articles:

  1. Regular Show – 8th and final season by Dan
  2. Sonic Mania – you’d be manic to miss it! by Claire
  3. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’s Ultimate Edition Trailer is out by Chris
  4. ‘The Standoff’ straight up: an interview with Ilyssa Goodman by Marlene
  5. Sonic Boom: Sonic’s 25th Anniversary Birthday Bash by Manny

Fun fact: it’s very interesting that the 5 most popular articles today were all written by different team member. 5 team members and each of them have an article that gathered bigger than usual attention.

As a group of friends, we didn’t really know how this would turn out. Six months later and we’ve only become more excited in what Geekified will bring for us and our readers. We started off as a group of friends with an interest in writing articles. Now we have even started our YouTube channel. The future is exciting.

It has already six months since Dan brought us all together to realise his idea about a website for geeks. Since then, we have been sharing our passion with you, preparing geeky reviews, pondering about geeky news and analysing various geeky phenomena. It has been a hell of a ride and we are not stopping in our pursuit to bring the best content we can to you. Actually, we plan to accelerate, with the recent start of our Youtube channel and more fun stuff up our sleeves. We hope you will stay with us and we promise that things will be exciting. I know I am excited.

When Geekified was launched, I wasn’t very optimistic about it being noticed in the great sea of the World Wide Web. Because we write from the heart about issues we (and others) are passionate about, we have gathered an ever growing number of fans and followers who share our views. I was genuinely startled and flattered by the amount of interest articles got and continue to be amazed by the loyalty of the fans and increasing number of followers who love what we do as much as us!

Here is my humble anniversary offering: Happy 6 month birthday,! Thank you for accepting me into your young and hip crew. I will try to live up to the high geek standards of your site and to contribute appropriately geeky content whenever possible. Long live geeks!

I’ve started to think of creating a new website in late 2015. I wanted to open a website either about music or about popular geeky culture. In the end I decided I want to do the latter. I feel very lucky to find out that 3 friends of mine are on the same page and did support my idea to start the project. I’m really thankful and grateful for them and that they believed in the project. There was many doubts, but we started off quite good and am sure that we will deliver a lot more in the future!

Closing thoughts

Last, but not least, we would like to thank you all for giving us a chance. wouldn’t exist without our readers and we hope you are satisfied with the content we have brought to you. Stay with us and bring your friends – it will be definitely worth it.

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